The Adventures of Billy Lightning: Hana’s deliverance

Chapter 1: Hana

Hana closed the door to her room. The orphanage had given her a separate room from the other orphans due to her insistence on leaving the screen out of her window. You see, Hana has the unique ability to communicate with animals. Hana loves animals so much. She is totally blind and 10 years old. Her best friends are animals, with the exception of her only human friend, a boy who is 13 years old.

Hana walked over to her bed and lay down. Her anticipation grew. Tonight was no ordinary night; it was the night her best and only human friend would visit. Unlike any other boy, her friend was born with a pair of magnificent wings. His visits were the highlight of Hana’s world, a world where her blindness did not dim the vividness of her experiences but rather heightened them through the rich tapestry of sounds and scents. Hana and her best friend met when she first took him to be a bird. She never suspected he was human until one day when he arrived with a figurine of a cardinal, which he gave to her as a token of friendship. Hana felt his hand and realized he was a human boy with wings. She had been enthralled with him ever since that very day. He, on the other hand, loved that she could talk with the animals and would often record animals and bring the recordings to Hana for translation, which Hana was happy to provide. Their friendship was a silent pact of mutual admiration and respect. Hana, with her extraordinary gift of communication with animals, and Billy, with his ability to defy gravity, found in each other a kindred spirit. They shared stories of their unique experiences, Hana recounting her conversations with the creatures of the earth and Billy describing the wonders he saw from above.

“Billy Lightning,” Hana thought to herself. Oh, how she wished to be adopted by the Lightnings. Hana and Billy had known one another for four years, and each orphanage Hana went to, Billy eventually found her. Tonight was different though. Billy had a secret.

As the clock struck 9 PM, Billy landed next to Hana’s bed. He sat down on the edge of it as Hana sat up and smiled at him. Billy’s voice, warm and cheerful, broke the silence. “Hey, Hana! I flew over the forest today. You wouldn’t believe the colors of the leaves; it’s just so beautiful. The trees were swaying in a gentle breeze, birds were chirping. Oh, how I long to take you there. Oh, how I long to be the one to allow you to experience flight.”

Hana’s face lit up with joy. “Tell me everything. I can’t be there with you, but I can experience it vicariously.” Billy drew a picture with his words. As Billy spoke in that lilting southern drawl of his, Hana could imagine every leaf in her mind’s eye, every branch on the trees, every blade of grass coming to life. Hana longed to experience this for herself with Billy by her side. She was happy enough at the orphanage, but only because of her animal friends. It didn’t help that they moved her from orphanage to orphanage. They just thought of her as the strange blind girl who would rather spend her time with animals than humans. They didn’t realize that she longed for human interaction. They didn’t know about Billy, and Hana wanted to keep him a secret. She knew that if these orphanages knew about Billy, they would just hurt him and use him just like they did her.

Billy broke the silence by saying, “Tomorrow, your new life begins. We’re adopting you finally after all these years.” Billy paused before saying with a chuckle, “You know I will need a sidekick with me during my adventures, don’t you?”

Hana chuckled before saying, “Well, howdy there, partner. I reckon you got yourself a sidekick in this here little lass.”

Billy laughed loudly. Hana shushed him and whispered, “You know the staff probably won’t appreciate me talking to a boy with wings, don’t you?”

Billy frowned and said, “Yes.” He sounded sad and hurt. Hana said softly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am so sorry.”

Billy replied, “It’s not you. All of these orphanages that you have been to, Hana, frankly, they treat you like a freak. You have feelings; you have emotions. So they give you your own room. Big deal. Do they ever stop to think about the lonely girl craving human interaction? No. They see the blind girl. They see the girl who will be of no help to them. They see the girl that’s a burden to them.”

Hana said softly, “I theorized as much but never knew for certain. Thanks for verifying what I thought was happening. You and your family have been nothing but kind to me. Thank you. They do treat me differently than everybody else, and it does hurt.”

Billy hugged her before flying out of the room. He returned five minutes later with a sleeping bag. “I’m sleeping on your floor tonight. Mom said I could,” Billy said.

“Where’s the General tonight?” Hana asked.

“I think he’s at the White House again. He will be here tomorrow though. Mom should be able to be here as well. I’m so excited,” Billy said.

Hana spoke to a bird for a few minutes before saying to Billy, “The cardinal says you beat him in a race today?”

Billy yawned before saying, “Yep. I love cardinals too and recognized him as one of the birds you hang out with. He recognized me, and so we raced, and I won. I had fun. Did he have fun?”

Hana laughed, “Wow, Billy, take a breather.”

“I’m excited,” Billy said while laughing.

Hana smiled before saying, “Go to bed, brother Lightning.”

“Okay, sister Lightning,” Billy said.

Hana smiled before saying, “Nobody knows this but some of my animal friends. My last name before Mom and Dad passed was Thunder.”

Billy smiled, “Hey, that can be the name of a band: Thunder and Lightning. Or a law firm.”

Hana laughed. “Go to bed, Billy.”

“Night, Hana.”

“Good night, Billy.”

They both drifted off into the land of dreams, excited for tomorrow and the future to come. Brother and sister, together at last.

Chapter 2: Adoption Day

Hana woke up early and jumped out of bed. She knew Billy was around, but she didn’t know where he was. She heard a sound behind her and felt a poke from a wing. She laughed before grabbing the wing gently and holding it in her hand. Billy lifted his wing, picking Hana up off the ground.

“Woah,” Hana said excitedly as Billy carefully flew her around the room. She had always wanted to fly with Billy, but none of the orphanages would allow it. Billy gently landed and hugged Hana. “Today we will be brother and sister. I am so excited. The day is finally here,” Billy said.

“Your parents are loud, though, but they love you, and I know they love me as well. Although, what’s up with your dad’s collection of aircraft in the backyard that you were telling me about a few months ago?” Hana asked curiously.

Billy said, “Oh, stupid me, I didn’t tell you it’s his airport?”

Hana laughed before saying, “You did, but, um, I don’t know what an airport is.”

Billy said, “Ah, well, we’ll have to fix that. I’ll take you through it when the papers are finalized.” Billy continued, “Just don’t make fun of his Stearman. It’s his favorite airplane. Because if you do, he’ll insist on taking you for a flight in it.”

Hana laughed before saying, “Oh, so make fun of it?”

Just then, a loud, deep, authoritative voice was heard saying from outside the window, “I left the Stearman at the house, Hana. I hear you and Billy in there. I’ll take you for a flight when we get home.” The voice belonged to General Lightning.

Hana laughed, having heard that voice before. “Thank you, sir,” she said excitedly.

“Now you and Billy have fun,” the General said. With that, Hana said to Billy, “Let’s go flying.”

Billy laughed with joy, took Hana’s hand, and flew out of the open window. Hana excitedly hung on and enjoyed every moment. She heard a bird say, “Two humans flying? Bet I can beat them.”

Hana said to the bird, “Not a chance. Billy here can fly faster than the speed of light.”

The bird just didn’t believe it. The bird sped up, and Billy sped up.

“Faster, Billy, he wants to race,” Hana said, laughing.

Billy sped up and flew at 9,000 MPH simply because he could. Hana screamed in excitement, delight, and pure happiness. Her bird friends a constant companion in the sky, her best friend Billy flying her around, and new parents who loved Billy and Hana so much. Life couldn’t get any better for the little orphan girl. It was perfect.

Billy flew back to the orphanage with Hana and saw his mom and dad sign the papers. Hana decided she wanted to keep her last name of Thunder, which was totally fine by the Lightnings. Now officially adopted, Billy and Hana were finally happy brother and sister after four long years.

General Lightning and Mrs. Lightning hugged Hana, welcoming her into the family. Billy said to Hana, “Do you have any questions you might like to ask?”

Hana blushed and said, “How is it that you’re 13 but shorter than me?”

Billy laughed before saying, “Because I am. I’m seriously just 50 pounds and 4 feet tall at 13. But then again, I am also very aerodynamic.” Hana then said, “I guess that makes sense and is how you fly so well. And for your information, I’m 5 feet 5 inches and 100 pounds. And as you know, I’m 10. But hey, how are you able to fly me around with such ease, being that I’m bigger and heavier?” Hana asked with sincere curiosity.

Billy smiled before saying, “I fly Dad and Mom around all the time. One holds on to one hand, the other holds on to the other hand. It’s simple once we leave the ground. It’s the landings and takeoffs that are the most challenging, but I seriously enjoy flying people around.”

Hana smiled before saying, “You’re so kind. I am so glad we’re brother and sister now.”

Billy then said, “How do you actually talk to animals? Is it a language for each animal type?”

Hana replied, “Honestly, I have no idea how to describe it. It’s just like you and I speaking, but I am hissing or growling or buzzing or barking and the like. It’s based on the animal type, yes, but I can understand them all just as well as I can understand you.”

Billy smiled before saying, “I have always wondered. We need hide nothing now that we’re brother and sister.”

Chapter 3: Home at Last

When Hana woke up, she found herself lying in a nice, warm bed. Music was quietly playing. She sat up and the music stopped. Hana said, “Oh, that music is so beautiful. Don’t stop.”

The music began again. Hana realized that the music was live in this room she found herself in. Hana got up and explored the room. She knew she was at home with the Lightnings and wasn’t in any danger. As she explored the room, she found the source of the music. It was Billy, who was making music with some kind of cool-sounding instrument. Billy explained that the instrument is called a kinar, an ancient harp. Billy explained that this room is Hana’s bedroom and that he wanted to make sure Hana woke up and was okay. Hana continued exploring the room and began to cry when she found the piano.

“I haven’t played one of these in years. You remembered,” Hana said through happy, joyful tears. Billy smiled as Hana began to play the old hymn “I’d Rather Have Jesus.” Billy joined her on his kinar. The two instruments blended in perfect harmony as the music filled the room.

After the song, Billy said to Hana, “You can’t keep the screen out of your window. However, there’s a balcony you can use. I use it all the time as well. Actually, I sleep up there when it’s a nice night. Mom and Dad won’t mind. And yes, Hana, my parents are now your mom and dad. Feel free to call them that.”

The shock on Hana’s face was priceless. She finally said, “I have a mom and a dad and a brother and a balcony where I can still talk with my animal friends? Really? Oh, wow. I am so happy.”

Hana hugged Billy and Billy hugged her back. Billy then showed her the door to the balcony.

“You won’t fall. It’s got a huge railing and a wall behind that. I always just fly over the wall and the rail when I want to fly out of here. You can come out to this balcony at any time of the day or night. Mom and Dad won’t mind. Plus, every part of the house from the outside is loaded with cameras. We know where everybody is at all times because of our security system. Have fun, Hana, and welcome home.”

Hana hugged Billy tight. She knew that she had embarked on this new life with the best family she could ever have. Her best human friend was her big brother despite the fact that Hana was physically bigger. She looked up to Billy, knowing that the two of them together would only grow closer and more appreciative of one another. Hana smiled again as she continued hugging Billy. She knew that her life would never be the same again. No longer was she the lonely blind orphan girl. No longer was she the unwanted blind orphan girl. No longer was she a burden to society. No longer the freak able to talk to animals. She was Hana Thunder Lightning, loved, cherished, and welcomed into a home that embraced her unique abilities. She was in a home whose occupants knew her, loved her, and cherished her for the girl that God had made her to be. She may be blind, she may be able to talk to animals, but these things were now celebrated as they were the very things that made Hana who she was. She was finally home where she belonged. She was finally in a place of acceptance. As the page of her old life turned over, she looked forward to what would be found on the other side of the page. For Hana, her new life had just begun.

Chapter 4: The Stearman Flight

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the Lightning family home, bathing it in warmth and promise. Hana woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes wafting through the air. She sat up, stretching her arms, feeling more at home with each passing day. The previous night had been filled with music and laughter, and she couldn’t wait to see what adventures today would bring.

As she walked downstairs, guided by the familiar sounds of a bustling kitchen, Hana was greeted by General Lightning’s deep, resonant voice.

“Good morning, Hana! Ready for your flight today?” he asked, a hint of excitement in his tone.

Hana smiled broadly. “Good morning, Dad! Yes, I’m ready. I’m really looking forward to it.”

After breakfast, the family headed out to the airstrip behind their home. The sound of the engine warming up filled the air, and Hana could feel the vibrations under her feet. Billy stood by her side, his wings fluttering slightly in the morning breeze.

General Lightning helped Hana into the cockpit of the Stearman, making sure she was securely strapped in. “Alright, Hana, we’re going to take it slow at first. I want you to feel every part of this experience.”

As the plane taxied down the runway, Hana felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The roar of the engine grew louder, and then, with a gentle lift, they were airborne. Hana felt the rush of wind against her face, the gentle sway of the plane as it climbed higher into the sky.

The General spoke through the intercom, describing the landscape below. “We’re flying over the forest now, Hana. The trees look like a sea of green waves, and the river sparkles in the sunlight.”

Hana closed her eyes, imagining the scene as he described it. She loved the feeling of flight, the sense of freedom it brought. But as they soared through the sky, she couldn’t help but think about her flights with Billy. There was something special about those moments—something personal and deeply meaningful.

After a while, General Lightning turned the plane back towards home. As they descended, Hana felt a mix of emotions. The flight had been incredible, but she missed the unique experience of flying with Billy.

When they landed, Billy was there to greet her. “How was it?” he asked eagerly.

Hana grinned. “It was amazing! Your dad is a great pilot. But… I think I still prefer flying with you, Billy. There’s just something magical about it.”

Billy laughed, his eyes twinkling with joy. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Maybe one day, you can fly with both of us together.”

Hana’s heart swelled with happiness. She knew that no matter how many flights she took in the Stearman, flying with Billy would always be special.

Parallels to the Bible and the Message of Christ

The story of Hana and Billy mirrors several themes found in the Bible, reflecting the message of Christ in various ways:

1. Acceptance and Belonging:

• Just as Hana found a loving home with the Lightnings, Christians find acceptance and belonging in the family of God. Ephesians 1:5 says, “He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”

• Hana’s unique abilities are celebrated rather than seen as burdens, similar to how God values each person’s unique gifts and contributions to the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).

2. Love and Sacrifice:

• The unconditional love shown by the Lightning family to Hana parallels the love of Christ for humanity. John 15:13 states, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

• Billy’s willingness to find Hana and ensure her safety reflects Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:4-7, where the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to find the one lost sheep.

3. Transformation and New Life:

• Hana’s transformation from a lonely orphan to a beloved daughter mirrors the transformation that occurs when one accepts Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

• Her newfound family and experiences symbolize the new life and community found in Christ.

4. Guidance and Protection:

• Just as Hana is guided and protected by her new family, Christians are guided and protected by God. Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

• The security and love provided by the Lightnings reflect the security and love believers find in their relationship with God.

Through these parallels, the story of Hana and Billy embodies the essence of Christ’s message—acceptance, love, transformation, and guidance—providing a rich tapestry that reflects the beauty of the Christian faith.

Author’s Note

This is Brother Timothy Clark, and I am the creator of The Adventures of Billy Lightning story that you have just read. My hope is that these characters will inspire you to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ more intimately and passionately.

Learn more about me by checking out my official website:

May our Lord Jesus bless you and keep you, may He smile upon you and grant you peace.

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